
A+ World Academy has a rolling admission, meaning there is no application deadline. However, given the limited spaces available on board (only 64), we highly recommend that you apply as soon as possible for this once-in-a-lifetime boarding school experience.

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Step By Step


We are a boarding school owned by the not-for-profit Sørlandet Foundation. Our tuition does not simply cover the costs of the school, sleeping accommodations, and food…we maintain and restore the oldest active fully-rigged sailing ship in the world, the Sørlandet! In addition, the tuition cost covers all Field Experiences while in port plus the Maritime Training.

Application fee:
€ 250
Tuition, Room & Board:
Reduced price for Norwegians:
€ 66,500
€ 42,500* (Must Meet Full Criteria)

Included in the Tuition:

Room & Board
All school-sponsored port activities
School uniform
Sailing gear
Textbooks & Educational Material
Travel Insurance
Medical Insurance


Acceptance List


Acadia University

Carleton University

College Brébeuf

Lakehead University

Thompson River University

Queens University

University of Victoria

Pearson United World College

University of Manitoba


University of Oslo

ETH Zurich

Franklin University

University of Munich

University of Edinburg

University of Manchester


Kings College London

University of Exeter

Durham university

University of Manitoba

Amsterdam University College

United States




Minerva University

University of San Diego

University of Wisconsin

Pace University

Arizona State University

University of California Santa Barbara

Tulane University


Testimonials & Reviews

Mia Olivia
A + World Academy Student
“This year has by far been the best year so far in my life. Even with its ups and downs it has been an amazing experience. My favorite port was definetly Jamaica. I had so much fun during that port and got to experience a totally different culture than anything I had ever experienced before. Apart from all the cool ports we traveled to, I would say that being part of the deckcrew has been, in some cases, more fun than being in port.
Right now, we are lucky enough to stay at an AirBNB in quarantine, instead of staying on the ship. This has been a really great solution considering the circumstances. A+ has had to make some tough decisions and they have handled this situation very well. When we sailed in they helped us contact our parents and made every decision based on our safety.”
Mille M.
A + World Academy Student
“I think everyone around me knew that I was very excited and had a lot of expectations when it came to this year. When we started the year in Kristiansand I thought I had it all figured out. In reality, I knew nothing. I have learned so much from the ship, the ports and the cultural experiences we have had this year. And I have met people I now consider family, and created connections that I didn’t know could be so strong. When I look back at the past months, they have truly been the best days of my life. The things we experience brings us closer together, and we share memories we couldn’t have made without the ship. Everything from setting sails, crossing the equator and even running around on deck during squalls, is what makes this year an unforgettable adventure. It sounds cheesy, but it’s true.”
Anders B.
A + World Academy Student
“This year has by far been the best year so far in my life. Even with its ups and downs it has been an amazing experience. My favorite port was definetly Jamaica. I had so much fun during that port and got to experience a totally different culture than anything I had ever experienced before. Apart from all the cool ports we traveled to, I would say that being part of the deckcrew has been, in some cases, more fun than being in port.
Right now, we are lucky enough to stay at an AirBNB in quarantine, instead of staying on the ship. This has been a really great solution considering the circumstances. A+ has had to make some tough decisions and they have handled this situation very well. When we sailed in they helped us contact our parents and made every decision based on our safety.”
Maria M.
A + World Academy Student
“This year has been everything. There is no other way to explain it. It has been the year where I’ve felt the most down but also the most up. It has been the year where I’ve cried the most, but also had the most convulsive laughter. It has been the year where I’ve experienced life. All this has made me grow close to people in a way I never thought was possible for a human-being.
I’m actually impressed in how A+ have dealt with this crisis. First, they cancelled parent-port which in itself was bad news, but they made the best out of the situation by renting beautiful beach houses for us here on Bermuda where we are able to be together, but also have some much needed space. We have access to a beach and a huge garden. We are also able to order food when it’s needed, ontop of all the food in the fridge. All this happens in a safe way, so we are not taking any risks to be infected. So, I want to say thank you A+ for everything you are giving us, now and before.”
Tessa A.
A + World Academy Student
“This year gave me a lesson, actually, many. When I first came and we had 4 hour watches it seemed to be a nightmare. It was hard and it was difficult to be far from home, but it made me realise so many things that cannot be explained in a piece of paper.
I am so very happy with the overall experience. There are so many things that I have earned while here. I have a new family and all the things I went through with these people. Every day here is a story to tell and there is not a moment you are bored. Yes, there are bad days and good days but every day matters here.”
Vegard S.
A + World Academy Student
“This year has been the greatest year of my life. With the bag full of experiences, it’s soon time for it to end. Thank you, A+ Academy for giving me this opportunity. At the start of the year, I met a lot of strangers on the dock in Kristiansand. Our adventure will end on the same dock. However, I will not leave strangers, I will leave family.
With the corona virus out there, our adventure took an unexpected turn. The school has a lot of responsibility, and in my opinion, they have made hard and good decisions. Thanks again for giving me this opportunity. I wouldn’t trade this year for anything.”